Epic Tale FAQ


What is the concept of the event?

ESN Epic Tale is a three-day long National Event of the ESN Czech Republic, which aims to promote Czech history and culture to the international students and volunteers of ESN. One of the main pillars is unity in diversity. All of us come from different backgrounds, and we have different habits and traditions that are being respected and supported by each and every participant. 


All the international students and volunteers in the Czech Republic are welcome to join the event. Students and volunteers from (not only) neighboring countries are also invited and more than welcome to join. 

Czech history is rich in medieval tales that include castles, knights, princesses and kings. The concept of the event is to showcase this part of the history so international students and international guests can gather the best experience during their stay in the Czech   Republic.


You will get the chance to attend a lot of different activities. You can look forward to the weekend at the castle close to Karlovy Vary, attend many medieval-themed activities, or taste traditional Czech food and drinks. You will also meet so many new great people, play some ice-breaking games, and have a lot of fun! Last but not least, we highly recommend you to visit Karlovy Vary which is a really popular city with a spa. 


When does the event happen?

2nd - 4th May 2025 (Friday - Sunday)


What is the capacity of the event?

Approximately 65 participants


What is the venue of the event?

Horní Hrad (Hauenštejn) in nearby Karlovy Vary (20 km)


Where can I read more about the history of the castle?

You can find more information about the location and the history of the castle from this brochure


What is the fee of the event?

3750 CZK + Eventix Fees


What is included in the fee?

Accommodation at the castle (2 nights), meals (2x breakfast, 2x lunch, 2x dinner), bus transportation from Karlovy Vary to the castle and back, social programme


Who can join the event as a participant?

Any international student or ESN volunteer interested in the topic of the event and its programme


Can I pay online?

Yes, the payments will be handled through the platform Eventix


There are no more tickets available, what can I do?

As the capacity for the event is limited, we cannot sell more than 65 tickets, however if all the tickets are already sold, you can add yourself on the waiting list, and you will be contacted in the case of any cancellations.


How do I register for the event?

Through the online registration form provided by the OC of Epic Tale to the sections; sections share the link to their international students


When do the registrations start?

24th February 2025


What is the deadline for the registrations?

10th April 2025 23:59


What will we do during the event?

The topic of the event is the Middle Ages and its cultures, history, etc. The activities will be related to this topic. There will be multiple indoor and mainly outdoor activities; the castle is in nature, so the participants should also bring clothes and shoes adequate for such a stay. 

The activities will be some ice-breaking games, team activities, the shadow game, etc. - in general, the idea is to connect people from different cities, make them meet new people, make new friends and strengthen friendships, learn something about Czech medieval culture and history, and all of this in a fun and engaging way.

On Friday, the OC Team plans a trip to Karlovy Vary, to show the participants the beauty of this famous spa city.


What is the programme of the event?

There will be some external medieval-themed activities (fireshow, or knights, etc.) to promote Czech culture and history.  There will also be an internal medieval-themed program provided by ESN. This internal program will be mostly games, which aim to raise awareness about medieval topics in an engaging and fun way.


How can I travel to the event?

The castle is nearby Karlovy Vary, and Karlovy Vary is well-connected with other bigger Czech cities. There are direct train and bus connections from Prague, and if you travel from other cities, all of them are usually well-connected with Prague. There are also multiple direct Flixbus connections between Brno-Prague-Karlovy Vary every day. If you travel from Pilsen, there are some direct connections to Karlovy Vary, too (less frequent, but the option is still there). The transportation from Karlovy Vary will be coordinated by the OC Team, and we will travel to the venue by rented bus.


Do I have to bring cash to the event?

Yes, the whole event will be cash only. The drinks are not included in the fee, so you have to pay for them on spot. There will also be a food stand, if you want to buy something, you cannot pay by card. However, euro currency is accepted, too.


How is it with food and drinks provided on spot?

Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be provided and are included in the fee (vegetarian, lactose-free, and other food restrictions are included, too). There will also be a stand where you can buy some extra food (soup, sausages, etc.), but this is not included in the fee and you have to pay extra for it. The stand can only accept payments in cash.

Non-alcoholic drinks will be provided as well, however, they are not included in the fee. Alcoholic drinks can be ordered on spot as well, but they are not included in the fee either.


How is it with my own drinks?

It is strictly prohibited to bring your own alcoholic drinks.


What is the accommodation of the event?

The castle provides bedrooms, bathrooms and common areas, so we will stay there. It will be fully a “castle-weekend”


How is it with the internet, mobile service, etc.?

The mobile service is quite poor, and the WiFi connection cannot be provided by the castle owners either. However, OC will make sure everyone knows what is going to happen and everyone has all information in advance. The OC team is planning to bring printed programs and the activities will be planned accordingly.


Who can I contact if I have some health issues?

There will be Safety Team, members of this team will be announced in time


How is it with promo materials for this event?

Everything is prepared by the OC Team, the sections only share it on their social media and communication channels


Who can I approach if I have questions or doubts?

OC Team on the email address esnepictale@esncz.org

Head of OC Aleksi

Vice-Head of OC Majda

NB responsible Ráďa


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